Fact Sheets

  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • Nitrate Inhibitors

    Explaining the advantages of Nitrification Inhibitors, which slow the conversion of ammonium to nitrate in urea fertiliser.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • High Efficiency Liquid Phosphate Fertilisers

    High Efficiency Phosphorus fertiliser products are more expensive than traditional phosphorus products due to higher manufacturing costs but most also have very important trace elements or growth promotants which are an added benefit to the crop and support productivity.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • Promoting Soil Health

    A healthy soil is productive, sustainable, and profitable.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • NDVI: Satellite Imagery & Vegetation Indices

    Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a measure of the amount of living green vegetation.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • Mill Mud and Ash by-products

    Taking advantage of mill mud and ash by-products

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • Guide to Moddus Application

    Moddus is a foliar absorbed plant growth regulator.

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  • Wet Tropics
  • Herbert Region Fallow Legume Crops

    Herbert Region fallow legume crops.

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  • Mackay
  • Mackay WS Growing Legume and Mixed Species Fallow Crops

    Growing legume and mixed species fallow crops.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • EM Mapping

    Electromagnetic induction (EM) mapping is a form of precision agriculture that uses a sensor to measure electrical conductivity in soils at various depths.

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  • Burdekin
  • Mackay
  • Wet Tropics
  • Bean Calibration Guide

    A practice fact sheet for calibrating bean planters.

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  • Wet Tropics
  • Types of inoculants and things to consider when using them

    A practice fact sheet for types of inoculants and things to consider when using them.

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